About us

We drank sh*tty coffee so you don’t have to.

It started with Stef complaining about her morning coffee.


Glenn (Stef’s husband) bought a home roaster off Ebay

And they started roasting their own coffee. The difference between freshly roasted coffee and stale coffee was game changing.

Shortly after this, Glenn was laid off from his job at an architecture firm. Around this time Stef and Glenn took a trip to Arizona for a friend’s wedding. They went to a farmer’s market and saw a guy roasting coffee at the market, bagging it, and selling it. 

The idea for Frankly Good Coffee was born!


Stef and Glen became the first coffee roaster in Las Vegas to roast and sell at farmers markets (pretty cool!)

The markets became the core of our business model and remained that way for 10 years. We air roast all of our coffee on Sonafresco and Sievitz air roasters.


Stef left her corporate job as a lawyer and grow the business.

We partner with restaurants, cafes, and creative, driven people who love coffee.

And don’t want to settle for stale, boring, run of the mill coffee.

Through our flagship coffees and the Frankly Good Coffee Club—

We’re roasting for a growing community coast to coast.

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“I know I’m starting my day with the best f*cking coffee”

— Kelly, Coffee Club Member